Thursday, February 19, 2015


LG Watch

Google's proposal for the field of wearable devices begins to take shape. As widely rumored, LG and Google announced Tuesday at the inaugural conference Google I / O, the LG G Watch -the first device advertised by the operating system and may pre-order for $ 229. It is the first foray Android Wear on the market and the debut of the South Korean firm in the competition of smart watches. But how is this device? Who is it for?

Out, it is a much more "human" clock most other smartwatches market. Its strap is removable and its screen is smaller and thinner than some conventional watches. It has no side buttons or anything other than a 1.65-inch touchscreen IPS LCD. Is loaded with a 'dock' which is connected via USB. This prevents user confusion. Although LG does not commit to a time of battery life, talk to some people who have used it for some time and say that with heavy use, can last from one day to two.
Navigation is also simple and is based on basic touch gestures. You change screens with a 'swype' top down and take action on them with lateral slides. The only way to introduce information is through voice commands, such as Android. When listening smartwatch " OK Google "begins to seek information. It also allows dictate text messages and expect developers to create new options soon.
The basic device has a sensor that detects the orientation and direction of motion. That lets you interact with your phone. For now, Google announced that Android L will be able to tell if the user has an Android Wear it on your wrist and thus may avoid asking the PIN to unlock the phone. This is essential so that the watch can provide real-time indication of direction and movement, in conjunction with Google Maps. However, as in the subject of voice, the true revolutionary uses of the hardware are coming and depend on the creativity of the developers.

Android depth

It would be unfair to ask Google a comprehensive portfolio of applications and services for a device that takes less than a day in the market. But on the other hand, what we saw in the conference makes it clear that, at least for now, the clock can only be useful for 'power users' Android. That is, for those who only have one or more Android devices, but for those who orient their lives with the tools of Google.
Until new apps and services, Android Wear is basically a second screen of Google Now. For those who do not know, Google Now is a service that Google displays contextual information to users based on their location, your search history and what they have in their Gmail emails. For example, if you have a reservation of tickets or hotel, shows them the flight status and basic data which will be staying. If they are traveling, shows basic cards on nearby attractions and other tools, like a clock that tells time in the city or country where the user spends most of the time.
The point is that Google Now only works well if the user has all your information tools that ecosystem: if your mail and calendar are from Google, if you recorded the location of his home in Google Maps and if your browsing history, searches and interests are associated with a Google account. Although not exclusive to Android, Google Now works much better in that operating system.
In fact, the current version of Android Wear has no support for computers with other operating systems. It is likely that this function comes in the future and is critical to Google if you want to amass its 'wearable' operating system and attract more manufacturers. But for now, Android Wear devices are specifically designed for the more 'hard' Android users. That is, for those who already belong to the fold of Google.
When new applications, options and the product is more mature, that could change.

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