Saturday, January 31, 2015


Before concluding the presentation of Windows 10, Microsoft has shown its most advanced device, the HoloLens, glasses added to a device that is the " first holographic computer "in the world and based on Windows 10

Operating under Windows 10 and in theory the software has the ability to operate with holographic applications and developers can from the moment that have the Software Development Kit to create applications in this new technology.As if it were science fiction, these glasses allow not only see about the real world representation of objects on them, but interact with them as objects in real 3D .These HoloLens need not be connected to any computer, is a computer with its own CPU, GPU and new holographic processorthat Microsoft has created for the occasion.
The possibilities that Microsoft has shown this technology are simply amazing. Allows an architect see as real design and interact with it. Obviously, the possibilities when it comes to video games or entertainment, it can make a screen on a wall without television show, are the dream of every hobbyist to technology. But besides that developers can create applications, Microsoft will put in the hands of users the ability, through Holo Studio , their own holograms directly with HoloLens.
This technology was developed in collaboration with NASA, and has been used in the exploration of Mars, leading the Americans to walk scientists, albeit virtually, by the images sent by the Mars Rover. So far not been given a release date and a price simply indicated that will be available during "the life of Windows 10", which look set to be longer than any other operating system from Microsoft.

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