Monday, January 19, 2015

iPhone 6 Advantages and Disadvantages, Pros and Cons

Apple introduced the new iPhone 6 just 3 months ago but it took her some time to put it up to sale. Now that we have seen you spent our list of advantages and disadvantages of the iPhone 6. And is that all that glitters is not gold or everything Apple makes is perfect, right? Let's do this.

Advantages and Disadvantages of iPhone 6

Disadvantages of iPhone 6
The screen is not Full HD.

The display of the new 4.7-inch iPhone 6 may be all you want but nice Apple still does not give it full HD resolution . And it seems incredible that in the 2014 the only terminal of the house carrying a similar resolution screen than the iPhone 6 Plus. For the smallest model resolution is 1334 x 750 pixels . Not bad but obviously no longer HD rather than Full HD.

The camera is more exposed

A curious change implemented by Apple in their new handsets is that the cameras projecting to the housing. This is well aesthetically but not very practical or less functional. Rather, it exposes the camera to unnecessary risks and whenever we support our terminal on the camera we are risking us that dust or worse it will be scratched.

Still no expandable storage

It is a classic and for Apple fans but many people do not know and who considers buying a iPhone 6 unknowingly. And it should be remembered that the iPhone 6 has no expansion slot. That means we can not provide you with more memory later. What we buy is that with which we are left with what to think twice. 16 or 64 GB?

The accessories cost very expensive

Many people assume that anyone who buys an iPhone is because it has a lot of money. However, this is not always the case and may be interested to know that the accessories compatible with the iPhone 6 are much more expensive than other smartphones accessories. As an everyday example, the official magazine of the iPhone 6 will cost 40 euros. You can take your chances with an unofficial charger but then it is possible that the battery will explode what has happened to more than one.

The autonomy has hardly changed

Apple says the battery has improved slightly but all evidence points to the contrary. In fact, Apple itself ensures that the dwell time is 10 days and this is the same time resting posed for iPhone 5s. A couple of hours more autonomy to surf the internet is not what people mean when he says he wants an iPhone 6 with more autonomy. No, they refer to an iPhone that lasts 2-3 days on a single charge and Apple apparently was still not willing to give us that the iPhone 6.

The iPhone 6 is spectacularly fragile

Much more work puts their new iPhones Apple seems more fragile they become. The iPhone 6 comes with Gorilla Glass coating 3, the industry standard but still without any additional protection . Not resistant to water splashes or much less to drops of a meter. Do you really want to carry a smartphone from 700 euros in your pocket and fear every time a bad move I take your order?

Advantages of iPhone 6

Finally, the ideal screen size

For many 4.7 inches is the ideal screen size for a smartphone, I personally included in that list. Were tiny 3.5-inch, 4 inch approached but 4.7 inches is comfortable to carry, easy to handle with one hand and easy to store size in our pocket. Can you ask for more? It seems that Apple actually listens to customers from time to time and as again unto launch a 4.2-inch terminal public would go crazy and many would leave the company in favor of Alternative Samsung.

iOS 8 designed for iPhone 6

If you liked what you saw iOS 8 in other Apple products you'll love the iPhone iOS 6. And that 8 was created with the iPhone 6 in mind. An easier way to interact with your posts, the arrival of the widgets to iOS and of course the option of bringing everything to your thumb with the push button twice Touch ID. In short, an advantage that can not be ignored.

Touch ID, everything you promised and more

Out of Samsung seems that no manufacturer is jumping to compete with Apple's Touch ID . And the Touch ID is spectacularly comfortable and today the fingerprint sensor works best when compared to the alternative of Samsung. If security is a priority for you then an iPhone with Touch ID is definitely something that you might be interested.

Faster, how long

IPhones Apple is promising more and faster than the previous generation but the truth is that today, after the iPhone 4s have not gotten to see any iPhone that was "slow". All work well and quickly without problems. The iPhone 6 would not be the exception in this case the company offers a 25% faster compared to iPhone 5s . And with an Apple A8 processor with 64-bit architecture second generation is becoming increasingly difficult for Apple offer a smartphone faster and faster. By now will be so fast you barely kindle and have done all the housework without us noticing.

Improvements storage options

Apple finally expanded storage options in its range of smartphones to 128 GB. But what is not and you have added options but directly eliminated one of them, the option of 32 GB. In this sense the user now can buy a 64GB iPhone 6 for only 100 pounds more than it costs you to buy the 16GB model. Whereas Apple does not offer another way to expand storage externally this is a great solution that I am sure many of us will grant in exchange for a substantial amount of additional storage.


However, you can evaluate the new iPhone 6 offers more advantages than disadvantages. As big points against him should highlight the lack of resolution Full HD and the high price of the terminal. However, these elements are already so iconic iPhone is difficult to believe anyone truly interested in an iPhone would take them into account.

You can not deny that the iPhone 6 is an impressive smartphone with an attractive design and finally a screen capable bringing in My World Gadget we have no doubt that the end of the day, as with all iPhones, be successful sales, possibly surpassing the iPhone 6 Plus the house.

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